Mark Ravine Mark Ravine Mark Ravine Mark Ravine

The Balancing Act

I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching after I published the Tech and the first set of reviews started pouring in. Many questions were asked, all of them valid. Before I continue, I must thank all the reviewers, one and all, for their forbearance in reading close to 500 pages of what some of them must’ve certainly felt was rather a long book.

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Mark Ravine Mark Ravine Mark Ravine Mark Ravine

The Ways AI Is Changing Our Lives

Many of you probably don’t know the reality of modern Artificial Intelligence and the way it’s changing our lives, but more of you are scared of it. And it’s not just the extreme views of conspiracy theorists that see it as a very real threat taking away our jobs, or worse the implausible – become humanity’s mortal enemy as in I, Robot, Terminator or ex-Machina.

The question really is – should we be scared?

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