Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff


Memories. Inescapable in many ways, the most fortunate of us have a healthy mix of both good and bad events from our past that rear their heads to savage or sweeten our days. The happier ones – I like to invoke them when I’m feeling low, either in confidence or emotion.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

Come Fly With Me

Air travel. Who would’ve thought that anyone could miss it? Truth be told, when I was a child, I used to love flying. The air of excitement, packing for a trip, even the wait at the airport and the sweet smell of the cabin, are all very pleasant memories.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

Dear Diary

Are there things that I want to share, bursting to impart knowledge, wisdom or facts that may be of interest to my fans and general reading public? That last bit stopped me, literally, in my tracks. What on earth will you darlings want to know about me?

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

How To Lose Your Reader In Five Pages

Before I launch into my first foray into writing tips, let me start with a simple set of statistics, one personal, mostly professional. Unless you’re an established author, and sometimes even if you are, sixty percent of readership engagement begins with the cover.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

In Lighter Vein

I’m not sure how many of you read my last blog – Catharsis, but for those of you who didn’t, it was a touch serious, referencing uglier memories from faux pas to more serious transgressions. While these inspired events in my books, I thought I might go the other way and speak about the lighter side of life.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

In My Mind’s Eye

I suspect that most readers tend to visualise the main characters, and often the side characters as well, while reading a book. The book cover is a helpful guide – sometimes. In the older days, when covers tended to be sketches rather than images of real people, it was harder, I suppose. But the thought occurred to me while I was watching a romcom – The Ugly Truth starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler, what do readers do when they read my books.

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Kyra Radcliff Raghav Ravi Kyra Radcliff Raghav Ravi

Lie To Me

What place does honesty have in a relationship. By the same token, how important is communication during the beginning of one?

I have theories. I have experiences. And then there is reality or rather, people’s perception of reality. Let me start with the theory and we can go from there.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

Serendipitous Hearts

Let me get this one controversy out of the way and we can get a move on. It’s not that I’m afraid of dragging on an argument, but the topic’s a bit like marmite – you either buy into it or you don’t.

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Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff Kyra Radcliff

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I love clichés – within limits, of course. The recent announcement that a vaccine is around the corner that will possibly put an end to the COVID crisis reminded me of two – it’s darkest before dawn, and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.

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