Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard

Covid Confidential

Lockdown. Social distancing. Fomite. Epidemic. Pandemic. Outbreak. Community spread. Contact tracing. Self-isolate. Covidiot. Words I had forgotten. Phrases I don’t even remember had been commonly used not too long ago.

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Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard


Don’t worry. I’m not going to entertain the debate around the definitions of romances and whether unhappy endings can ever be part of the romance genre. Have you read a romance with the lovers not uniting?

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Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard

Lovers Quarrel

Look out for it. By the way, I’ve been reading some of the reviews that have come out – good and bad, with bouquets and brickbats about a common and necessary ingredient in any work of fiction – conflict.

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Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard

The Laws of Attraction

I’ve often been asked by friends, family and fan following: Who do you picture when you describe the heroes in your books? Or another frequent favourite: Who do you consider the sexiest man alive? Which in turn prompted me to open a link sent by the Creative Director of DHP with a list of the men voted The Sexiest Man Alive.

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Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard Ravina Hilliard

The Truth about Talent

One of my fondest beliefs, persevering through my years as a teacher, unshaken by my experiences at work (more of that later), and undeterred by inexplicable events like buffoons willing elections (I won’t say to whom I’m referring), is that everyone, and I do mean every single soul on our soil has talent.

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